Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Morning Review

By no means am I a hard-core movie-goer like Ritchie and Dusty, but I did roll with the big boys last night to the midnight showing of "The Dark Knight". Also in attendance,... Clint White (aka - Dusty's brother from another mother). Brandon Miller went too, but who cares about him, really? Well, I guess Kim does, but the jury is still out with Ritchie.

Anyway, I digest...

There is so much going on with this film that I can't even process it all. It is definitely one of those movies you will see in the theater and then have to buy to try and catch all the action. It's 2 hours and 40 minutes of glorious explosions and fight scenes. I really don't have any negative comments about it at all. Let's just say that the last time I went to a midnight premier (Indiana Jones 4) I was totally disappointed, but now I am the opposite of disappointed,... would that be appointed?

1 comment:

Matt said...

Going with Kenny Snow to see it today at 4PM. Glad you liked it--will probably be the opinion of most (I'm hoping I'm with the crowd on this one, oddly enough).

I can't take much more movie-franchise dissapointment...but I have a LOT of hope and enthusiasm for the writers, the director, and the producers of the new Batman series.