Thursday, November 1, 2007

Offending Co-Workers is Awesome

So, I offended a co-worker earlier this week regarding his religious beliefs. We were talking about how at Avalon we have Guitar Hero III in the youth room and his response was "Wow our elders would never let us have that! They freaked out when I grew a beard!" I told him I thought that was stupid and that his elders were "elderly" in their thinking because apparently beards are a sign of rebellion?! (According to his elders) At least they were in the 60's and 70's. Then I proceeded to tell him I don't think God cares about what we look like or our beards or length of our hair, he cares about the heart. And that Jesus's whole message to the Jews was that you'll never be able to follow all 8 Billion laws so just love God and your neihbor. I mean if God actually gets upset about our appearance or our clothes then Ritchie is going to hell, because there is now way God can love him when he's wearing his Hawaii shirts!
Well come to find out this guy is "Apostolic". Which is somewhere between Pentecostal and Snake-Handling. At any rate they all wear long sleeve suits every Sunday and the women wear denim skirts to their ankles and don't cut or style their hair and don't wear make-up. His reasoning is that they don't want men of their congregation to lust after the women,...this is where I offended him.
I said, yeah but unkempt chicks with long hair and denim moo-moos really turn me on!
He turned really red and said there was scripture to back him up, but he couldn't go into right now. I apologized later and said I was just joking and didn't mean to offend his beleifs.
I wrote all this to say that I am SO THANKFUL that I go to a true "come as you are" kind of church. At Avalon we focus on changing the hearts and minds of the lost not their wardrobe. I'd be willing to bet you that this guys church hasn't seen a salvation since the invention of the internal combustion engine (17th century) much less a baptism.
Thank you God for calling me to a church that is focused on reaching the lost and isn't appalled at people's appearance, no matter how awful they look in Panama Jack shirts.


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